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Use Case 8: User launches multiple apps from a single container


On the desktop the user is running:

  • Third party research & analytics platform
  • Portfolio Management System

Workflow 1

From a button next to a holding in the portfolio management system a user launches four applications from the research and analytics platform into the open workspace The applications open within a single container and all show information on the holding

Workflow 2

From a button next to a holding in the portfolio management system a user launches four applications from the research and analytics platform into the open workspace The applications open within a single container and all show information on the holding Selecting a different holding in the portfolio management system updates the launched layout automatically (it is linked when it is launched)

Workflow 3

The user wants to open 4 apps from the research and analytics platform to find more information on a particular holding A menu shows all the available apps that accept the holding in context that can be launched into the workspace The user selects four and has the option to open as floating apps or within a single container The user decides to launch them in a single container An Eikon layout opens with the four apps that the user has selected showing information on the current holding

Interoperability Points

  • API
  • Context data
  • App Directory